If you're going to participate in NaNoWriMo, you might be wondering if or how you should prepare to write 50,000 words in 30 days (which means trying for an average of around 1667 words per day). Well, if you're like me, that depends somewhat on whether or not you want your story to make sense, not that it's impossible to write a good story without planning by any means, but I seem to need to at least try to map things out a little before I start developing carpal-tunnel at the keyboard.
Fortunately for you, I'm not the one that's going to advise you, I just wanted to share this website: http://www.the-writers-craft.com/index.html and tell you what you can find on it.
One (extremely) helpful tool on this site, Character development sheets! Well, that's not exactly what their called, but you get the idea. You can download or print these sets of questions to ask yourself about your character in order to get to know him/her/it. There are also worksheets for setting up the plot of your story, describing the settings of the story and even organizing the different scenes in each chapter.
My only advice is to feel free to skip any of the questions/steps in the helps you'll find if you decide they are unnecessary, but don't be lazy and skip any that could potentially help you!
Good writing and God bless!
Thanks, Jeremiah, I will check that out. I am still not sure if I should write a story or not. We'll see...but I am glad that you are doing it.